The application window for Digital Doorway is currently closed. Digital Doorway will return later this year with some exciting changes. Check back at a later date.

Do you work with Dorset residents who are being left behind in this digital world? We could help them.

Our Digital Doorway scheme gives devices to people who struggle to get online, using funding we have raised from recycling Dorset Council laptops and computers.

This funding has been secured for 3 years and will mean we can donate around 500 tablets and laptops to people who are finding it difficult to get online.

People who receive devices through Digital Doorway can also ask for support with digital skills and pre-paid mobile data to get online if needed.

Digital exclusion in Dorset

In Dorset, 11% of residents are completely offline and another 20% lack all the essential digital skills needed to get online. This means nearly a third of our residents are excluded from the digital world in some way.

The Digital Doorway device donation scheme is one way of reducing those numbers and helping more people become digitally included.

Digital exclusion means anyone who cannot easily access everything they need online. This could be for financial reasons or because they lack the skills and confidence needed.

How to access Digital Doorway 

To be considered for Digital Doorway, you must be referred by a professional, such as a: 

  • social worker
  • GP
  • Citizens Advice officer
  • NHS support worker
  • teacher
  • someone who supports you in the voluntary sector

They will also need to be registered as an Embedded Digital Champion (EDC) or Volunteer Digital Champion (VDC) with us. If they are not, you can ask them to register as an EDC. They can then visit this webpage and submit an application on your behalf.

Refer someone to Digital Doorway

If you work for an organisation that helps residents in the Dorset Council area, you can refer them to Digital Doorway, if you are an EDC or VDC. If you are not yet registered as a digital champion, but are interested in taking the quick, online training, you can register.

As a Digital Doorway referrer and digital champion you will be expected to check that your applicant meets the eligibility criteria (such as through verbal confirmation), complete the application with the applicant, and then continue to support the applicant to get started with their device and complete a feedback form for Dorset Council.

During the referral, please complete the form with the applicant, so you can capture their full details and preferences and you can ensure the information provided is current.

The person you are referring must: 

  • live in the Dorset Council area
  • be aged 18 or over
  • be digitally excluded because they cannot afford a device
  • have not received a Digital Doorway device in the previous 2 years

Opening the doors to digital

Our Digital Doorway scheme is making a real difference to people's lives: Digital Doorway - opening the doors to employment

Referring someone who has their own device

If you are a professional working with someone who needs digital skills support, they can book appointment with one of our volunteer digital champions.

If the person you are working with needs data to get online, you can apply to the Digital Doorway on their behalf, or refer them to the Good Things Foundation national databank.