About the new scheme

From 1 April 2024 we are introducing a new scheme for working age people. You may be eligible if you are on a low income and have less than £6,000 in savings.

The new scheme should make it easier to budget as you will know exactly what support you get from month to month. The scheme also offers those on the lowest incomes up to 100% discount on their Council Tax bill. Read the Council Tax Support for people of working age policy.

Watch our YouTube video about the new scheme:


Who can claim

You may get Council Tax Support if:

  • you pay Council Tax
  • you are on a low income or claiming benefits
  • your savings are below £6,000

If you make a claim for, or already receive Universal Credit, this will not include Council Tax Support. You will need to apply for Council Tax Support too.

You can apply if you’re employed or unemployed. If you live with a partner, you will need to make a claim together.

Who isn’t eligible

You won’t get Council Tax Support if:

  • your savings are over £6,000 (unless you get Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based) and Employment Support Allowance (Income Related))
  • you do not have to pay Council Tax or you are exempt from paying it
  • you’re subject to immigration control and your granted leave states that you cannot claim public funds

How we calculate what support you get

We compare your weekly income (and your partners income, if you have one), to a range of income bands. Then we apply a percentage reduction to your Council Tax charge.

We use your net earned income in your calculation. This is your gross income minus tax, National Insurance contributions and 50% of any pension contribution.

If you currently claim Council Tax Support, when you receive your new bill it will tell you what support you are receiving, based on your weekly income and household.

2025/2026 income bands

If you are in the lowest income band, you will be eligible for 100% discount on your bill.

Single person

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £94 100%
2 £94.01 £130 80%
3 £130.01 £165 60%
4 £165.01 £201 40%
5 £201.01 £236 20%
6 £236.01 Upwards 0%


Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £148 100%
2 £148.01 £189 80%
3 £189.01 £229 60%
4 £229.01 £270 40%
5 £270.01 £311 20%
6 £311.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 1 child

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £173 100%
2 £173.01 £214 80%
3 £214.01 £255 60%
4 £255.01 £295 40%
5 £295.01 £336 20%
6 £336.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 2 children

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £240 100%
2 £240.01 £280 80%
3 £280.01 £321 60%
4 £321.01 £362 40%
5 £362.01 402 20%
6 £402.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 3 or more children

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £306 100%
2 £306.01 £346 80%
3 £346.01 £387 60%
4 £387.01 £428 40%
5 £428.01 £468 20%
6 £468.01 Upwards 0%

2024/2025 income bands

If you are in the lowest income band, you will be eligible for 100% discount on your bill.

Single person

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £92 100%
2 £92.01 £127 80%
3 £127.01 £162 60%
4 £162.01 £197 40%
5 £197.01 £232 20%
6 £232.01 Upwards 0%


Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £145 100%
2 £145.01 £185 80%
3 £185.01 £225 60%
4 £225.01 £265 40%
5 £265.01 £305 20%
6 £305.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 1 child

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £170 100%
2 £170.01 £210 80%
3 £210.01 £250 60%
4 £250.01 £290 40%
5 £290.01 £330 20%
6 £330.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 2 children

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £235 100%
2 £235.01 £275 80%
3 £275.01 £315 60%
4 £315.01 £355 40%
5 £355.01 395 20%
6 £395.01 Upwards 0%

Families with 3 or more children

Band Weekly income from Weekly income to How much discount you'll get
1 £0 £300 100%
2 £300.01 £340 80%
3 £340.01 £380 60%
4 £380.01 £420 40%
5 £420.01 £460 20%
6 £460.01 Upwards 0%

Exclusions and limitations

If you receive benefits

When we calculate your weekly income to work out your band, we will not take into account the following:

  • Carers Allowance
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Maintenance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • The Support component of Employment and Support Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • War Widows/Widowers and War Disablement Pensions

If you are receiving Universal Credit, we will not take into account following elements of your Universal Credit award:

  • Carer Element
  • Disabled Child Element
  • Housing Element
  • Limited Capability for Work Elements

If you are in work

If you are in work we will exclude £20 from your weekly household earned income before we work out how much support you will get.

If a member of your household is disabled

If a member of your household is disabled and in receipt of certain disability benefits, we will exclude a further £50 per week from your total weekly income.

If your Council Tax band is higher than Band E

The Council Tax Reduction will be limited to a Band E charge. This means if you live in a band F, G or H, the maximum support you can get is 100% of a band E charge in the parish you live in. See our Council Tax bands and charges.

If a non-dependant person lives with you

A non-dependant is someone aged 18 or over who lives with you but is not a tenant or a lodger. For example, a grown up son or daughter who lives at home.

In most cases, we will make a deduction from your Council Tax Support because we expect that your non-dependant will help towards housing costs, whether they do or not.

There is a standard weekly deduction of £5 for any non-dependants living in your household who are not in full time education.

If the support you get has gone down because of the new scheme

If your Council Tax Support drops as a result of the new scheme and you are facing exceptional financial hardship as a result, you can apply for a discretionary discount.

If your household income changes

If your household income changes but it remains in the same income band, the amount of support you get will not change. The amount of support will change if the income of your household goes up or down and moves you into another income band.

You must tell us about changes in your circumstances which could affect what support you get. Tell us about changes to your:

  • income – whether it goes up or down
  • household – someone moves in or out
  • capital - whether it goes up

Capital includes cash, current accounts and savings accounts with a bank or building society, Premium Bonds, National Savings Certificates, stocks/shares and the value of any land or property owned (other than the one you live in).

You must tell us within 21 days of the change. If you do not tell us then you may be overpaid or miss out on additional support.

How we pay Council Tax support

When we calculate your Council Tax Support, we will work out your entitlement for the full financial year (up to 31 March) and this will be shown as a credit on your Council Tax bill.

If your circumstances change during that financial year, the amount of Council Tax Support credited to your bill may need to change. This will also change the amount you pay towards your Council Tax.

When your Council Tax Support will start

If you qualify for Council Tax Support, we will normally pay your benefit from the Monday following the day we receive your completed claim form.


We may be able to backdate your benefit up to 3 months before the date your claim is received, as long as you were entitled to benefit for that period. You will need to request a backdate when you make your application.

For us to work out how much benefit you will be entitled to, you need to give us proof of your income and savings for the period you want to claim.

If you think your Council Tax Support is wrong

You will be sent a letter confirming your award of Council Tax Support when this has been calculated. If you think your award is wrong, you can ask us to review it or make an appeal.


We prefer if you apply online. This speeds things up, saves public money and frees up time so we can support those who are unable to apply online.

Before you start

You'll be asked for your National Insurance number, details of income and bank accounts.

Apply for Council Tax Support

If you need help applying, contact us and we can support you through the process.

Sending us your documents

Send your form to us as soon as possible, even if you don't have all the requested documents. This means we can begin processing your application as quickly as possible.

We need original copies of proof of your identity which you can bring to one of our our offices.