Our resident parking permits are managed by MiPermit.

We issue virtual permits which means you no longer need to display a paper permit. 

Permit zone operating hours are displayed on signs.

See our Residents permit Terms and Conditions.


Resident parking permits cost:

  • £40 for 6 months (increasing to £50 from 1 April 2025)
  • £80 for 12 months (increasing to £85 from 1 April 2025)

Visitor permits

You can get up to 100 visitor permits a year for your household.

They are sold in blocks of 20 and cost £20. (increasing to £25 from 1 April 2025)

Residents over the age of 60 get a 50% discount. To qualify for the discount, you will need to provide proof of age. Please forward a copy of proof to parking@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk 

Login to your MiPermit account to use your visitor permits.

You can also call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007 or text the word VISITOR to 61600 followed by the vehicle registration number to assign a permit if you have registered your number in your MiPermit account. Visitor permits last for 24 hours from the time they are created so you don't need to enter a duration.

Apply for a permit

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