The government has asked each county in England to create a local nature recovery strategy. In Dorset, Dorset Council have been tasked with coordinating the creation of our county's strategy, working closely with BCP Council, Natural England and a wide range of local people and organisations. 

The strategy will help: 

  • bring together and showcase the great things people area already doing for nature recovery in Dorset
  • set Dorset's nature recovery priorities
  • show opportunities where areas for nature can be created or improved
  • suggest activities to get involved to deliver more nature across Dorset
  • Dorset meet the government's goal of having 30 percent of land, rivers and seas managed for nature by 2030

Watch our video to find out more about Dorset's local nature recovery strategy. 

You can read more about what local nature recovery strategies are and why they are needed on GOV.UK.

As part of the work to prepare this new strategy for nature in our county, Nature Recovery Dorset has been formed to bring together individuals, farmers, landowners, communities and organisations who are helping restore nature in Dorset. You can find out more about the Nature Recovery Dorset network and how to join.

Who is helping

To help prepare Dorset's LNRS, we have 6 groups set up with representatives across a diverse range of farmers, landowners, organisations, businesses, and NGOs. 

Group membership details are provided below or discover how the strategy is being prepared

There will be opportunity to help shape the strategy without joining these groups through our Have your say on our Citizen Space page. 

Dorset Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) steering group

The steering group was formed to ensure the preparation of Dorset's local nature recovery strategy is inclusive, transparent, and timely. The group consists of 12 different organisations across sectors. 

  • BCP Council
  • Country Land and Business Association
  • Dorset Council 
  • Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Dorset Local Nature Partnership
  • Dorset National Landscape
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust
  • Dorset Youth
  • Help and Kindness
  • National Farmers Union
  • Natural England
  • Public Health Dorset

Dorset mapping and data advisory group

The mapping and data group is facilitated by the Dorset National Landscape partnership. It is a technical group looking at what is mapped and how things are mapped in relation to the priorities and activities for Dorset. 

  • BCP Council
  • Cranborne Chase National Landscape
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset Environmental Records Centre
  • Dorset National Landscape
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust
  • Environment Agency
  • Forestry Commission

Dorset communications and engagement advisory group

The members look at language and communication around local nature recovery and have been instrumental to the development of the Nature Recovery Dorset brand. They also look at smart ways to join up all the different things people across Dorset are doing for nature. 

  • BCP Council
  • Community Action Network
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset Local Entreprise Partnership
  • Dorset National Landscape
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust
  • Dorset Youth
  • Forestry Commission 
  • Help and Kindness
  • Litter Free Dorset

Dorset nature, farming, forestry and land use advisory group

Twenty-four members representing each of the 4 sectors, facilitated by the Dorset Local Nature Partnership. Set up to identify the pressures and opportunities and carry out detailed analysis around priorities and activities for the strategy. 

  • BCP Council
  • Bournemouth University
  • Country Land and Business Association
  • Cranborne Chase National Landscape
  • Dorset Catchment Partnerships
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset Local Nature Partnership
  • Dorset National Landscape
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust
  • Environment Agency
  • Farm and Wildlife Advisory Group
  • Forestry Commission 
  • Ministry of Defence
  • National Farmers Union
  • National Trust
  • Natural England
  • RSPB

Dorset species task and finish group

Fourteen members who are experts in a wide range of plants, animals, fungi and insects. They are producing a long list and short list of species the Dorset local nature recovery strategy can best support. 

  • Amphibian and Reptiles Conservation Trust
  • BCP Council
  • Butterfly Conservation
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset Environmental Records Centre
  • Dorset Wildlife Trust
  • Environment Agency
  • Footprint Ecology
  • Forestry Commission
  • Forestry England
  • Independent local ecologist
  • National Trust
  • Natural England 
  • Nick Tomlinson Ecology
  • RSPB

Dorset farmer clusters group

The farmer cluster group represents the local farming community across Dorset. It is made up of farmers and facilitators from 13 different groups. The farming community play a key role in nature recovery as they are custodians of the land. 

  • Cranborne Chase
  • Devil's Brook
  • Dorset Council farms
  • Dorset Downs
  • Marshwood Vale
  • Martin Down
  • Mid Stour
  • Milton Abbas / Milton St Andrew
  • Nadder Valley
  • South Dorset Ridgeway
  • Upper Frome, Wraxall and Hooke
  • Wareham Arc Landscape Recovery