I applied for SEND transport, and it was agreed, but for now I am still having to take my child to school as it is not yet in place. How can I find out when they will be able to take my son to school?

For any questions, you can reach the SEND Travel Team by emailing sentravelteam@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or calling 01305 224011. 

Please note that arranging transport typically takes about 5 weeks, but it may take longer if we need to hire a passenger assistant. 

For more information on the SEND Travel service, visit Dorset Council’s website using the link below: 

School and College Travel Assistance for Students with SEND - Dorset Council 

Parents of students under 16 will be contacted by our team to discuss their child’s transport needs. For post-16 students, transport options will be shared once the application has been reviewed. 

My child is struggling with some behaviour and communication issues, the SENDCO doesn't have any concerns about my child at school. Who can ask for support outside of school?

For general advice and assistance, your local Family Hub is a great place to start. You can find information about what they offer on the Dorset Council website here: Find a Family Hub - Dorset Council

Additionally, resources and guidance on the speech, language, and communication pathway are available through The Balanced System. This includes support from the community speech and language therapy service, which families and school SENDCOs can use as part of their resources. 

If you need further family support, please don’t hesitate to call the Family Support and Advice Line at 01305 228558. 

What can I do with my 6-year-old at home Mon-Fri whilst waiting for alternative provision or EHCP annual review, for more support?

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), they'll have a dedicated SEND Provision Lead who can help schedule the EHCP review. Your SEND Provision Lead is also available to offer support and suggest activities you can try while waiting for a suitable alternative provision. 

If there has been a change in your SEND Provision Lead, please reach out to the Team Manager for the SEND Locality teams through Dorset Council: SEND Locality Teams - Dorset Council

If you require further support, do get in touch with us at letstalksend@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

Where can I find further education options for young adults (post 17/18) - why is it all hush hush? I only found out about one from previously speaking to other parents.

We are really sorry to hear that you are finding it difficult to get information about further education options for young adults. We recommend that you start by talking with your young person’s current setting, as they may be able to provide information about local options.  

You could consider linking with some of our local training providers for a Supported Internship. A Supported Internship is a training programme for 16–25-year-olds with an EHCP. For further information please visit Dorset Council Local offer website Training for work  

Weymouth College & SWRAC are currently offering Supported Internship programmes.Kingston Maurward College have a pre-internship programme and are planning to offer Supported Internships in the future as a study programme. 

For a further conversation, please contact andrew.holland@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk 

We have an Education, Employment and Training team, and there is further information on our website at Education, training and work - Dorset Council

How are SENCO qualifications monitored, and how do they accurately assess children who may mask their needs, especially if they're less experienced or still qualifying? What is the timeline for SENCOs to complete their qualifications, and how long can a school operate without a qualified SENCO?

In schools, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) is a qualified teacher who participates in regular training, including both national and Dorset Council-led programs focused on SEND. SENDCOs are required to complete the National Award, which was updated in September 2024 to include a leadership-level qualification. This training covers a broad range of topics, including school culture and ethos, statutory frameworks, identifying student needs, and helping teachers adjust their methods to support diverse needs through a "graduated approach." 

To build deeper knowledge in specific areas, SENDCOs can attend additional training sessions. All SENDCOs in Dorset are invited to a termly network meeting led by senior educational psychologists to support their ongoing development. Every school has a link educational psychologist and specialist teacher who work closely with the SENDCO. 

In early years settings, SENDCOs are also qualified professionals who benefit from continuous training and network meetings. We support these efforts through SENDCO Networks, which connect schools and early years settings under the guidance of educational psychologists and qualified teachers. 

Once appointed, SENDCOs have up to three years to complete their required qualifications. Many new SENDCOs may have already attended relevant training prior to their role, bringing valuable expertise as they continue their professional growth. 


Once the EHCP has been issued when should we expect it to be implemented? Is there a map to guide parents / carers on the path that should follow?

When an EHCP has been finalised, we would expect the school to put the support in place with you and your child without unnecessary delays.  The school may need to make some adjustments in order to deliver the support that is identified in the EHCP.  If you believe the provision is not yet in place, we recommend you talk to your SEND Provision Lead. 

If you’re not sure how to go about this or would like a further conversation about your individual circumstance, please email us at letstalksend@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk   

Every child and young person is different, with different needs, and it’s really hard to set out a pathway that covers every different option that might be available. Your SEND Provision Lead is there to support you and keep you informed throughout the process, from when you first request an EHCP and the assessment process to annual reviews that take place to make sure that things are going well, and to identify if any changes are needed.  

We are always open to looking at ways to make things easier for you, and if you have any suggestions that you want to share with us, do please contact us at letstalksend@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk  

My child and I have been asked to sign an Attendance Agreement/contract to increase their attendance. Could you tell me what the implications are of signing or not signing this?

From August 2024 the government published Working together to improve school attendance Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) this includes information about attendance contracts. It is an agreement between the family, young person and school, the emphasis is to provide support and offer alternatives and it formalises this, it shows how you are working together.  It is not a legally binding agreement.  

For help and guidance on attendance and formal processes, you can reach out to your locality team and ask to speak with an Inclusion Lead for your school. They will be able to provide you with the advice you need. More information is available through the Locality Teams in Dorset - Dorset Council

Are there any plans for mainstream hubs in Purbeck? There seems to be lots in the BCP area but very few in the Dorset Council area. Wareham St Mary would be happy to be considered as a site (discussed with Head Teacher and SENDCO) -

Family Hubs are currently open in Swanage and Wareham, and you can find a full list of locations on the Dorset Council website: www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/family-hubs

We're also exploring options for Inclusion Hubs in the Purbeck area, though we're still in the early stages. If you’d like more information or would like to discuss this further, please reach out to us at letstalksend@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

Our goal is to work collaboratively with the education community in all areas to expand inclusive provision for children and young people. 

Due to the pressure on places at the Special School they are no longer able to offer nursery placements.  Increasingly these preschool children with complex additional needs are being referred to the Dorchester Opportunity Group.  Some are referred directly to us and others from mainstream settings.  We can no longer continue to provide this specialist service as the numbers have become unstainable for a small voluntary group. We would welcome the opportunity to look at how we can move forward with this so that the needs of this group of children and their families can be met.  We know the value of what we provide and would like this to continue.

We are ambitious for all our children which is set out in our Education Strategy Education Strategy 2024 to 2027 - Dorset Council and in our SEND Strategy SEND Strategy 2021 to 2024 - Dorset Council which sets out our shared vision for our children with special educational needs.   

Our vision for SEND in Dorset: Our vision is clear and focused: 

"We want our children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to be healthy, happy and safe and able to achieve their potential to lead a fulfilling life. We want them to have, and to expect the same opportunities in life as other children and young people." 

  We welcome working with you to seek solutions and we have a meeting planned to take that further.