We have prepared 3 documents to guide the consideration of climate change in planning applications. The documents are to support decision making until the new Dorset Council Local Plan is adopted.
The documents are non-statutory but will provide guidance and help applications to maximise opportunities to address climate change. Paragraph 39 of the Local List will also be amended to require the submission of a sustainability checklist, alongside a sustainability statement with certain planning applications. The requirement to submit the sustainability checklist will come into effect from 15 January 2024. At this point the updated Dorset Council's Local List will also be published and come into effect.
The planning for climate change documents are:
- Interim guidance and position statement & separate appendix B - This is to help decision makers weigh up the benefits of addressing climate change with other material considerations. It addresses sustainable design and construction and planning for renewable energy schemes.
- Sustainability checklist and guidance - This sets out questions for applicants to check in relation to their schemes’ sustainable design and construction. Download an editable Microsoft Word version of the sustainability checklist (without the guidance).
- Listed buildings and energy efficiency - what you can do for climate change - This is to help householders with what you can do to increase energy efficiency in listed buildings and understand what you would need consent for.
The planning for climate change consultation 2023
We consulted on the planning for climate change documents, and amended paragraph 39 of the Local List from April to June 2023. We have prepared a consultation statement along with summaries of the comments received, and our responses to the comments:
- Interim guidance and position statement - comments and officer responses
- Sustainability checklist - comments and officer responses (including comments on the amendment to paragraph 39 of the Local List
- Listed buildings and energy efficiency - what you can do for climate change - comments and officer responses
Contact us
Planning Policy
Name: Planning policy teamName: Dorchester office
Email: planningpolicy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Tel: 01305 838334
Full contact details